Tag: Proactive Remediations

  • Enable PrtScr Snipping Tool


    mattiasvdlbe/MS Endpoint Manager/Proactive Remediations/PR_U_EnablePrtScrSnippingTool


    The Windows Snipping tool is a very useful tool to quickly make print screen of specific parts of your screen.

    The ability to start the application by clicking on the print screen button on your keyboard instead of having to open the program manually can save you time and is just a big convenience.

    In the windows settings, you can manually enable this setting, but I’ve created a script so this functionality can be pushed to the devices of the end users without manual action.
    This saves me or the end user having to remember to turn this setting on after they start using a newly rolled out device.


    This script checks if this function is enabled.
    In the settings of Windows, you can find this setting here:

    Set Print screen button to open Screen Snipping Tool

    In case this option isn’t enabled yet, the remediation is triggered which will enable this function.

    It also creates a log with some text outputs which are specified in the script.
    For this, it uses an implemented function called “Write-Log()”
    If you want to use this script, don’t forget to change the log output path.

  • Time And Date Correction


    mattiasvdlbe/MS Endpoint Manager/Proactive Remediations/PR_S_TimeAndDateCorrection


    Some time ago, we had some devices which were no longer running on the correct time.
    On the devices in question the users didn’t have administrator permissions, so they couldn’t change the time and date themselves.

    As the end users needed to be able to continue their work as soon as possible, and the issue wasn’t widespread, we decided to just create a small script to fix the issue.
    The script shared in this post, is more advanced, and has more options.

    If you want to use it, check if all things checked and set in this script are relevant in your case.


    This script does some checks to make sure the end user device is using the correct date and time.

    Things the proactive remediation checks:

    • StartupType of the Windows Time Service is set to “Manual” (which is the default setting)
    • Windows Time Service is running
    • “Set the time automatically” is activated
    • Location use is allowed (Privacy setting).
      Location use needs to be allowed if you want to allow the system to automatically detect what time zone your currently in.
    • “Set the time zone automatically” is enabled
    • Compare NtpServer time and the local computer time.
      If there’s a difference of more than 15 seconds either way (ahead or behind)

    In case any of these checks fails, the remediation gets triggered, which then puts the system back to our desired configuration.

    It also creates a log with some text outputs which are specified in the script.
    For this, it uses an implemented function called “Write-Log()”
    If you want to use this script, don’t forget to change the log output path.

    Other functions which are implemented: